Tuesday, September 29, 2015

FALL BOOK FAIR Next Week -- Call for volunteers!

Carol Gehringer
Media Center

We need you to help make our Fall Book Fair a success! Here's how you can help:

We need help with the following dates:

  • Moving the book fair for Grandparent’s Day, Thurs., Oct. 8, 7 PM-8 PM
  • Grandparent’s Day (10:15 AM-12:30 PM)
  • Moving the book fair back to the library, Fri., Oct. 9, 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
  • “Breakfast with Books”, Tues. Oct. 13, 7:45AM-8:15AM (music room)

High school students can get community service for helping out.

If you can help us, contact Mrs. Walker (swalker@gracechristian.net) or Mrs. Gehringer (cgehringer@gracechristian.net). 

We appreciate your willingness to help!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Wonderful World of PE

You may or may not know this, but elementary PE is relatively new to me. I have been a teacher now for about fourteen years and have taught various subjects in various countries. PE is certainly one of those classes that is simply a “whole different animal,” if I can quote my father there. Here’s why:

The atmosphere is just different. I am dressed differently, the classroom is a huge open space, kids are encouraged to be loud and run around the room as fast as possible. That is certainly a change from previous classroom settings.  

The comments. Teaching TK-6th grade allows me to experience all levels of development in early and middle childhood. When I introduce myself at the beginning of the year, I always lay down the rules for class procedures. One of those is “Don’t talk while the teacher is talking.” As I explained this to TK, a little girl raised her hand. I acknowledged her and listed to her question. “Are you sure?” she asked. “Am I sure about what?” I replied, thinking that maybe she was having a different conversation than me. “Are you sure we can’t talk while the teacher is talking?” was her clarification. I have to tell you, I have never even thought that could even be a possible question that could be asked about that rule, so I told her yes. She seemed satisfied with that answer. 

Another favorite of mine: “Coach Taylor, did you know I was getting hot lunch today?” I can say with absolute certainty that I am unaware of the hot lunch status of any and every student in the school. 

There are certainly many other things that set PE apart from my other classroom experiences that I won't go into right now. I look forward to this new year and all of the wonderfully bizarre things that can happen in PE class. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Databases #2: PebbleGo & PebbleGo Next, especially for younger students!

Carol Gehringer

Let's look at 2 databases that are aimed specifically at our younger students: PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext, from Capstone.

PebbleGo is an award-winning set of 4 kid-friendly databases: Animals, Social Studies, Biographies, and Science. Within each database, every subtopic presents a five-part report with text, photos, videos, links to similar topics, printable assessment sheets, and a correct citation.

PebbleGoNext is a new set of 2 databases designed for our 3rd-6th grade researchers. The databases include U.S. regions and American Indian culture areas. Each article links to downloadable questions to help develop critical thinking skills.

Kids can read on their own, or choose have text read to them. Each database also includes some simple games, an article of the day, and a search field.

The teacher resource section has comprehensive lesson plans, and printable activity sheets. Teachers can use these databases to teach kids about research, reporting, and citing.

Kids can do research on their own or in small groups, in the classroom or at home. Younger kids might benefit from more guided searches and specific assignments.

For more information, see PebbleGo and PebbleGoNext. Contact Mrs. Gehringer for login and password information.

Friday, September 11, 2015

A B C - About Book Clubs at GRACE

Carol Gehringer
Media Center

At GRACE, we love to encourage our students to read. 

A few years ago, we started book clubs in 4th-6th grade. Last year (2014-15), we added book clubs in our 3rd grade, bringing our total to 8 book clubs on the Raleigh campus.

They continue to grow -- in 2013-14, we had 65 students participate, but last year, 2014-15, we had 105 students meeting together to discuss a book we read.

Here's a reminder of how our GRACE book clubs work:

FACILITATORS: Mrs. Walker: 3rd grade & Mrs. Gehringer: 4th-6th grade

HOW OFTEN? Book clubs meet approximately twice a month, with girls one week and boys the following week.
  • A schedule will be posted in Talon for the 4th-6th grade book clubs, and Mrs. Walker will notify the 3rd graders of their meeting schedule.
WHEN?  During car pool, 2:45pm-3:15pm. We meet until 3:15pm. Then the students will be dismissed to the lobby or to aftercare.
    • MONDAY - 3rd grade              TUESDAY - 4th grade 
    • WEDNESDAY - 6th grade       THURSDAY - 5th grade
WHERE?  In the Raleigh library, of course!

  • Good way to encourage reading
  • Good way to socialize with others in your grade
  • Amount of reading done is decided by the book club
  • Book club meets only 1-2 times per month and during car pool, so it doesn't interfere with lunch or after school activities
  • No grades! But it might help you in reaching your AR goals (more about this later!)
  • Talk with your student about it!
  • Tell us if your student wants to participate in book club.
  • Ordering a book club t-shirt (optional)? Get the money and size information in by next week.
  • Do I need to buy the books?  No - we have multiple copies already purchased specifically for our book clubs. However, if your child loses the book, you will need to pay for its replacement.
  • Do I need to read the first book before the first meeting? No, we will hand out the books at our first meeting.
  • Do I need to read every book? No, but we will encourage you to read at least the first chapter to try different genres!
  • How will this help with my AR goal? All the books we read have Accelerated Reader (AR) quizzes. Students take a multiple choice quiz to test their comprehension of the books they read. Since there is a competition for prizes, they will want to read more books and pass as many AR quizzes as possible. Mrs. Lane, our reading specialist, will be sending out more information on AR in the coming weeks.
Any other questions? Contact me (cgehringer@GRACEChristian.net).

Friday, September 4, 2015

SAVE THE DATE! Fall Book Fair - Oct. 6-13, 2015

Carol Gehringer
Media Center

Mark your calendars for our annual 2015 FALL BOOK FAIR held on our TK-6 campus.

Tues. Oct. 6th through Tues. Oct. 13th (2015)

GRACE gets a percentage of the sales which we will use in the Raleigh library (TK-6). You can purchase books for teachers' classrooms, as well as books and activities for your children.

The book fair will be open during the school day in the Raleigh Library. Extended book fair hours will be posted later in September.

Students will preview the book fair early in the week to create a wishlist to share with their parents and grandparents.

Immediately after the Grandparents Day program on Friday, October 9th, the book fair will be in the RALEIGH GYM. 

VOLUNTEERS needed to help - please contact Mrs. Gehringer (cgehringer@gracechristian.net, 919-783-6618) if you can help. We especially need volunteers on Thurs. Oct. 8th (evening) to help move the book fair from the Raleigh library into the gym.

Watch for more details in a few weeks!