Monday, May 22, 2017


Each year at Celebrate Grace, parents are able to bid on various items and activities donated by teachers. This year, Jacob Hartley won the opportunity to be the PE Teacher of the Day!
Jacob was excited to get the day started! He got to set how many laps and exercises the students would complete, and he got to decide what activities the students would play. He even got his own whistle to keep! 

His first order of business was to remove a dodgeball that was stuck behind the HOME sign in the bleachers. After many attempts, including taping a hockey stick to a long plastic pole, he was successful! 

Jacob's first class was the TK class. He did a great job of guiding them through a couple of activities. We used the parachute and played a tag game. 

Next, Jacob had his own grade level. He decided that he wanted them to play Human Battleship! We set up tables to hide the "ships" from each team. 

He also had the classes play Team Dodgeball and Ultimate Dodgeball. All the grades had a great time! 

It was a BLAST having Jacob be the PE Coach of the Day. I think he has a future in the coaching business! His favorite part of the day was getting to lead his classmates in their dodgeball game. He definitely got his money's worth. He told me he was tired at the end of the day. I think he understands a little better what it's like to be a teacher!