Monday, November 14, 2016

Raleigh Campus Tech News

by Tomeka Hartsfield

There are so many fun and exciting things happening with technology on the Raleigh campus.  First, I would like to announce our newest 6th grade elective “Intro to Computer Science Fundamentals”.  This has been a well received  elective and enrollment was incredible.  The students learn various computer science concepts while using problem solving and critical thinking skills. The students are enjoying learning  to code in fun and engaging ways……AND they create their own game!  Here is an example of a student created game:

The 6th grade Multimedia class received brand new cameras this year so we started the year with photography.  The students went on a camera scavenger hunt around the school to capture beautiful pictures while applying their photography rules learned in class.  Also, we have been creating biblical podcasts and  book trailers.  The 6th Multimedia class will be creating a video from their 6th grade retreat.  I love when our students can apply their skills for practical uses.

The 5th graders have been getting comfortable taking their computers home.  I love seeing all of the fun and cool computer sleeve decorations.  The 5th graders have been reviewing their word processing and presentation skills. Finally this quarter, they will be learning email etiquette and the importance of etiquette with online communication.  This is one lesson we repeat every year!

The 4th graders have been learning how to use their MacBooks.  They have learned the hardware and software of the MacBooks.  Specifically with software,  they are learning how to use Talon with assignments and calendar.  Finally this quarter, they have been learning word processing and actually using it to type stories and other documents. 

Finally, 3rd grade has been busy learning how to type properly.  They have been learning the placement of all of the keys in relation to the home row keys all while sitting up straight, feet flat on the floor, elbows to the side, and eyes on the screen….Yikes!   They are doing a great job and I am very proud of them for not complaining and grumbling but staying diligent and doing their best.  By the end of this quarter they will be typing with their keyboards covered:-/
by Susan Walker
TK-3 Library

Kindergarten Library 2016
"Teddy Bear Day!"

3rd Grade Girls Book Club 2016
"Our Clementine Hats!"

A 'Bot in Our TK-K Classrooms!

Robots are being used to teach coding and other critical skills in all grades. We are using them this year in our younger grades (Transitional Kindergarten through 1st grade).

I purchased a BeeBot for our MakerCart. My goal was to teach one technology lesson each quarter this year, using the BlueBot and other tools.

I asked our teachers if I could come to their class for a 15-minute lesson in September. I brought my BeeBot and the grid where I placed 4 shapes in 4 colors on the grid. Now I was ready for my first class!

I explained that BeeBot would only where we told him to go. Gathering the children around, I asked the children to code the BeeBot by pressing the directional keys on top of the BeeBot.
Although we didn't have time for everyone to have a turn, they were engaged and loved having BeeBot come to visit their class.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

                                    Recuerden traer las cajas el miércoles, 16 de noviembre.