Tuesday, December 13, 2016

TK Learns About Basketball

by David Taylor
TK-6 P.E.

This week I decided to teach the TK class how to dribble and shoot. But before I did, I thought it would be good to ask some of them how to play. Here is what I got:


Then, I asked, "How do you know that you've won a basketball game?"
There you have it. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Raleigh Campus Tech News

by Tomeka Hartsfield

There are so many fun and exciting things happening with technology on the Raleigh campus.  First, I would like to announce our newest 6th grade elective “Intro to Computer Science Fundamentals”.  This has been a well received  elective and enrollment was incredible.  The students learn various computer science concepts while using problem solving and critical thinking skills. The students are enjoying learning  to code in fun and engaging ways……AND they create their own game!  Here is an example of a student created game:


The 6th grade Multimedia class received brand new cameras this year so we started the year with photography.  The students went on a camera scavenger hunt around the school to capture beautiful pictures while applying their photography rules learned in class.  Also, we have been creating biblical podcasts and  book trailers.  The 6th Multimedia class will be creating a video from their 6th grade retreat.  I love when our students can apply their skills for practical uses.

The 5th graders have been getting comfortable taking their computers home.  I love seeing all of the fun and cool computer sleeve decorations.  The 5th graders have been reviewing their word processing and presentation skills. Finally this quarter, they will be learning email etiquette and the importance of etiquette with online communication.  This is one lesson we repeat every year!

The 4th graders have been learning how to use their MacBooks.  They have learned the hardware and software of the MacBooks.  Specifically with software,  they are learning how to use Talon with assignments and calendar.  Finally this quarter, they have been learning word processing and actually using it to type stories and other documents. 

Finally, 3rd grade has been busy learning how to type properly.  They have been learning the placement of all of the keys in relation to the home row keys all while sitting up straight, feet flat on the floor, elbows to the side, and eyes on the screen….Yikes!   They are doing a great job and I am very proud of them for not complaining and grumbling but staying diligent and doing their best.  By the end of this quarter they will be typing with their keyboards covered:-/
by Susan Walker
TK-3 Library

Kindergarten Library 2016
"Teddy Bear Day!"

3rd Grade Girls Book Club 2016
"Our Clementine Hats!"

A 'Bot in Our TK-K Classrooms!

Robots are being used to teach coding and other critical skills in all grades. We are using them this year in our younger grades (Transitional Kindergarten through 1st grade).

I purchased a BeeBot for our MakerCart. My goal was to teach one technology lesson each quarter this year, using the BlueBot and other tools.

I asked our teachers if I could come to their class for a 15-minute lesson in September. I brought my BeeBot and the grid where I placed 4 shapes in 4 colors on the grid. Now I was ready for my first class!

I explained that BeeBot would only where we told him to go. Gathering the children around, I asked the children to code the BeeBot by pressing the directional keys on top of the BeeBot.
Although we didn't have time for everyone to have a turn, they were engaged and loved having BeeBot come to visit their class.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

                                    Recuerden traer las cajas el miércoles, 16 de noviembre.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

lechuga en el jardín

Spanish class has planted "lechuga" in the garden at GRACE.  
We are hoping to all enjoy  "una ensalada" soon!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Portraits, Portraits Everywhere!

Merrily Boyd, K-6 Art Teacher

As students finish up their first art project of the year, you'll start to notice many faces adorning the walls at GRACE.  "Why all the self-portraits?" you might ask.  "Why do students start art class each year with the same project?"

Kindergarten self-portraits at GRACE

One of the fun things about self-portraits is that they are never the same from year to year.  Of course, as I explain to students, they grow and change from year to year and their portraits will reflect those changes!  A student's kindergarten self-portrait project will hardly resemble their fifth grade self-portrait.  Not only do students' skills improve (sometimes drastically) from one year to the next, so that they can more accurately represent their physical appearance, but they also get new haircuts, lose teeth, get glasses or braces, and so on.  I encourage students to show the little details that make them unique at the particular time that they are working on their portrait so that in future years they can look back and remember what life was like in first grade or third grade, for example.  You may see details like freckles or band-aids or a favorite headband--all of these are students' way of capturing a moment in time and showing just how God designed each of them to be completely unique and special, different from every other person. 

Each year we look at some famous self-portraits from art history, including a few by Rembrandt.  He painted over 80 self-portraits during his lifetime, showing himself as a young man, then a successful middle-aged artist, and finally as white-haired and aging.  What an amazing record he left!  I encourage students to hold onto the self-portraits they make in each grade as one way they can look back when they're older and remember their time at GRACE.

Self-Portraits by Rembrandt van Rijn (1629, 1640, 1669)

While self-portraits are the subject, the way we create them varies for each grade level.  This provides an opportunity for students to learn many new skills and techniques and experiment with a variety of media.  Kindergarten students create collages of their faces from cut paper, while first-graders use markers and focus on filling the background space.  In second grade, students use glue to outline their image on black paper and fill in with chalk pastel, adding a horizon line and favorite place in the background.  Third grade students read I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont and take inspiration from the book's illustrations, showing themselves in a familiar room (all in black and white, with the only color resulting from splatter-painting).  In fourth grade, we view art by mixed- media artist Romare Bearden, who was born in North Carolina, and combine a background collage with a contour line self-portrait.  Fifth-graders really strive for accuracy, studying the Photorealism of Chuck Close and practicing the grid method by referencing a photo they take of themselves using PhotoBooth on their MacBooks.

By GRACE's Grandparents' Day celebration on October 14th, all students will be finished with their self-portraits, and you'll see their beautiful artwork decorating our school.  I hope our grandparents and other visitors will enjoy looking at and talking with students about all of the "faces of GRACE" that will line the halls!

"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..."  Psalm 139:14

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Jaime Hartley, Theatre/Dance

Annie is coming to GRACE Christian School!
An interest meeting will take place on OCTOBER 20, 2016 @ 4:00pm in the Raleigh dance studio for all 3rd-5th grade students who are wanting to audition. Parents are encouraged to come. This year's musical will have students from 3rd-12th grade. We are excited to be able to offer specific roles to our 3rd-5th grade students.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Summer Reading Stars!

Carol Gehringer, Media Coordinator

Last spring, Mrs. Gehringer and Mrs. Walker challenged the students on the 801 Campus (TK-6) to read beyond their required reading book.

Students who turned in a Summer Reading Log in August, received a certificate of achievement and a PeiWei Reading Award (redeemable for a free Kids’ Meal). Forty-eight students turned in their logs accounting for over 1,220 books read and recorded on summer reading logs.

KUDOS to Mrs. Hare’s class for having the highest number of students turn in their logs — over 50% of the class!
  • Bachman, Cooper (3rd Hare)
  • Baker, Campbell (5th Suarez)
  • Baker, Hudson (3rd Hickman)
  • Barry, Madison (3rd Hare)
  • Best, Graham (4th Anderson)
  • Bittler, Henry (4th Sweeney)
  • Buus, Colin (K Cheney)
  • Cameron-Chileshe, Olivia (5th Suarez)
  • Chambers, Jenna (3rd Hare)
  • Clarke, Sam (2nd Goeking)
  • Corona, Abby (2nd Goeking)
  • Donovan, Emma (4th Anderson)
  • Fitzhugh, Jennings (3rd Hare)
  • Garrett, Anna (5th Suarez)
  • Grissom, Hudson (K Cheney)
  • Harris, Aurora (2nd Goeking)
  • Hess, Mason (3rd Hare)
  • Katz, Victoria (3rd Hare)
  • Kemp, Lorelei (1st Huntley)
  • Kennedy, Liliana (1st Huntley)
  • Laakso, Madie (3rd Hare)
  • Lawrence, Tanner (1st Still)
  • Lehew, Colton (5th Suarez)
  • Lehman, Evan (4th Sweeney)
  • Lehman, Kate (3rd Hickman)
  • Lisiecki, Madeline (2nd Goeking)
  • Mason, James (2nd Goeking)
  • Mathew, Sohani (1st Yabani)
  • Mathew, Soleil (1st Huntley)
  • McLeod, Philip (2nd Goeking)
  • Moore, Benjamin (2nd Goeking
  • Moore, Paige (5th Barker)
  • Morrison, Aaron (4th Schaeffer)
  • Murphy, Ansley (2nd Schnake)
  • Murphy, Carter (5th Suarez)
  • Murphy, Landon (3rd Hickman)
  • Nico, Giselle (4th Sweeney)
  • Nunnery, Presley (3rd Hare)
  • Papuchis, Addy (3rd Hare)
  • Popa, Avery (3rd Hare)
  • Rankin, Benjamin (1st Yabani)
  • Smith, Aubrey (1st Huntley)
  • Stanley, Olivia (K Cheney)
  • Vallecorse, Samuel (3rd Hare)
  • Wakefield, Alex (4th Schaeffer)
  • Ward, Chase (4th Schaeffer)
  • Wingerd, Lauren (5th Suarez)
  • Woodson, Emily (4th Schaeffer)
Good job, students! 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Here Comes The TK6 GRACE Makerspace!

Carol Gehringer, Media Coordinator

Last spring (2016), our Crossroads campus kicked off their Makerspace with the donation of a 3D printer and plans for renovating the Crossroads Library to accommodate Makerspace activities.

What about Makerspace activities on the Raleigh campus? How are TK-6th grade students embracing the Maker movement?

First, let’s recap: What is a Makerspace - and why should we have one at GRACE? The Maker movement in education allows students to have unique learning experiences. A Makerspace is “any space where a student can design, explore, and create using a diverse set of tools and materials” ("Make MakerSpaces Work for Your School"). The Maker movement allows students to be designers, tinkerers, innovators, and creators, to build 21st Century learners with skills in critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity.

On GRACE’s Raleigh’s campus, our Makerspace will look different from the Crossroads campus. Instead of a designated space, we will have two MakerCarts, one on each floor with the tools and materials on them.

The MakerCart on the first floor will be geared towards the TK-1st grade students, while the one on the second floor will be geared towards the 2nd-6th graders. Both carts will include tools and materials for fabrication technology, information technology, and coding activities.

This past Friday -- on our second full day of school -- our 3rd graders had their first Maker activity, tied to their summer reading, Humphrey's Really Wheely Racing Day (by Betty G. Birney). Using cardboard boxes, foam noodles, and other materials, the 3rd graders created racetracks and raced each other using matchbox cars.  The students enjoyed it and they worked well together in their teams. 

Before they started their activity, I reminded the students that Thomas Edison failed thousands of time, trying to find the right filament for the light bulb. If he had stopped after his first attempt, we might not have lightbulbs! I encouraged them to try, to tinker, to fail, and to try again.

Well done, 3rd graders! What grade will be the next one to tinker, create, or design?

Read more about the Maker movement in education

1) “Make Makerspaces Work for Your School.” MindBridge Partners. Boston, MA, May 2016.

Reposted from our 21stCenturyGRACE blog.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Welcome Back!

Welcome back, Eagles!  The teachers of the GRACE enrichment classes and 6th grade electives are excited about the new 2016-17 school year.  We hope you had a great summer and look forward to seeing you back on campus very soon!

This blog is the place where you can find information about art, music and chorus, band, Spanish, PE, library and media, as well as 6th grade theatre, dance, and strategy games.

We will post updates on what students are working on in their classes as well as upcoming events such as our school's book fairs, Grandparents' Day, concerts and performances, art displays and festivals, and many other exciting activities in our classes and school.

Please bookmark this blog and visit often!

Friday, June 3, 2016

3rd Keyboarding

The 4th quarter flew by with all the programs, field trips, and class projects but we managed to get a lot done.  During 4th quarter we focused on learning all the numbers and symbols on the keyboard.  The students should be proficient with using the home row keys and typing all the letters without looking.  The students really worked hard this year and we will continue to strengthen their typing skills in 4th grade. Also, during 4th quarter the students explored coding.  They used Code.org (Frozen theme) to explore the basics of computer science.  Students applied logic, critical thinking, and problem solving skills to complete 20 levels of Elsa's journey.  The students really enjoyed this!

Have a great summer and keep typing and coding!!
6th Multimedia-Stop Animation

During 4th quarter the students created stop animation movies on digital citizenship.  Students made movies using all types of props such as gummy bears, clay, legos, or self created and developed a storyline based on the topic.  Some of the topics used to create the movies are cyber bullying, identity theft, internet safety, online predators, and digital footprint.  Also, the students incorporated green screen into their movies to give the full effect of the movie.  The movies were excellent and the students were able to enjoy popcorn and watch their peers movies. 

4th Grade Media - the Coastal Animal Assignment

Carol Gehringer
Media Coordinator

During the 4th quarter, our 4th graders worked on their Coastal Animal assignment. This project is a collaborative effort between the 4th grade team, the technology teacher, and the media coordinator.

In preparation for this assignment, our 4th graders learned to navigate our science databases, learned about the ethical use of information and images, as well as the basics of word processing and presentation software.

The students research an animal native to the North Carolina coast using print and online resources.

Once they complete their research, they type their research paper and bibliography, as well as prepare a keynote which they present to their class.

This assignment is completed prior to their Outer Banks field trip.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

6th Multimedia

The 6th grade Multimedia classes have been creating all types of movies using green screen.  The first major project was the "I'm Outta Here" project where the students go any place in the world.  Some students talked about  different places/monuments they were visiting while other students pretended to be in a time capsule.  The students were in charge of directing, filming, and acting.  Lights, Camera, Action!!

Also, the 6th graders filmed and directed the 4th graders.  The 4th graders were reporting on the impact pollution has on our water, food, energy, and wildlife.  The 6th graders created newsreels from the footage using the green screen effect.

Finally, the 6th will create Revolutionary War scenes using the 2nd graders footage.  The 2nd graders dressed in Revolutionary War costumes read their reports in front of the green screen.  The 6th graders will take the footage and actually place the 2nd graders in Revolutionary times.  How cool is this??? 

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Spring Book Fair 2016

Carol Gehringer
Media Center

We held our annual 2016 Spring Book Fair on April 21 and 22 at Barnes & Noble (Cary).

Families purchased books from our Required Summer Reading List, as well as CDs, DVDs, books, games, items from their cafe, etc. to help. Their purchases will help us purchase new items for our GRACE library.

A BIG thanks to our fine arts students who performed: Elementary Chorus, Band, Dance, and Theater joined the artwork on display. A SPECIAL thanks to their teachers for bringing the students -- and to TALON, our GRACE mascot!

GRACE received almost $1000 in credit at the Barnes and Noble which will be used in both the Raleigh and Crossroads libraries.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Hello Everyone!

It’s time for Field Day again! I am very excited for this year’s festivities. Here is some important information regarding the schedule.

For both days, Field day will run from 9:00-2:30, with a lunch break from 11:00-11:40

All classes will attend all day. The only way I may have to divide the classes up is if there is bad weather and we have to move indoors. So, pray for good weather. 

  1. TK-2nd Field Day is on April 28th TK students will be finished at noon that day with Field Day. 
  2. Third-Fifth Field Day is on April 29th
  3. There will be around 20 stations in the gym and on the playground.
  4. I need at least one volunteer per station. 
  5. Classes will be divided into two groups- I will need one volunteer per group.

Thanks! I am looking for to it!

Coach Taylor

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sixth grade elective students demonstrate how to order at the Mexican restaurant.  As soon as they have perfected these conversations,  they will go to a real restaurant!

Friday, March 11, 2016

5th Grade Media - the Plant Project

Carol Gehringer
Media Coordinator

Right now the 5th graders in our school are finishing their first MAJOR research assignment. Although they may moan and groan at the work, once the project is over they will be surprised at what they have learned as a result.

Here's what we've done in 5th Grade Media to prepare them since the start of school:
  • Database scavenger hunt for ALL our databases
  • Discuss ethical use of information and images (copyright!)
  • Review basics of word processing and presentation software
  • Review basics of writing a bibliography
  • Learn to use a pathfinder provided by the media coordinator
  • Discover research means being a detective - one might have to use more than 3 sources to  find the information needed for the assignment
  • Learn that during research, a student needs to be diligent in using their time wisely: recording the information for the bibliography before going onto the next source
  • Learn that a student needs other keywords for their search. If the assignment asks for the habitat, what does that mean? What other words should they use?
The students conduct their research during the first week of the project. They have time during their regular media time, as well as during their science blocks. The media coordinator assists them during research week.

This project is a collaborative effort between the 5th grade team, the technology teacher, and the media coordinator. The art teacher and Spanish teacher sometimes make their lessons revolve around the plant the students are researching.

After the students complete their assignment, they have everything on display for parents, other students, and teachers to view. Each student presents their plant to their visitors.

The students learn that research means
  • they need to look at several sources
  • the information doesn't just jump out at you (you have to read the text!)
  • sources either add to the information you already have, OR support/confirm what you have written down
Most of all, they learn about time management, and this is probably the most important as they prepare to enter middle school.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Love Letters from February

6th Grade Strategy Games
Mr Edwards

In February we held a tournament for one of the simpler games played in sixth grade, Love Letter.  Released in 2012, this game has been wildly popular for it simplicity and portability.  The game was created by Japanese game designer, Seiji Kanai.  It is no surprise that in a country known for its minimalist culture and crowded living space, Love Letter is comprised of nothing more than 16 cards and a few wooden cubes to track wins.

Love Letter by Seiji Kanai
For the strategy games class, I think it is important for students to learn a little about what makes a game 'tick'.  This is even more important for students who continue taking the games elective in 7th and 8th grade when the main focus is making a game.  Two important facets in a game are theme and mechanics.  The theme for Love Letter:
"Suitors throughout Tempest seek to ease Annette's sorrow by courting her to bring some joy into her life.  You are one of these suitors trying to get your love letter to the princess.  Unfortunately she has locked herself in the palace, so you must rely on intermediaries to carry your message.  During the game, you hold one secret card in your hand.  This card represents the person who currently carries your message of love for the princess.  Make sure that the person closest to the princess holds your love letter at the end of the day so it reaches her first!" 

Mechanics for Love Letter include player elimination, memory, and hand management.  Some cards allow you to see another player's hand, so the memory mechanic just means that a you need to remember what cards you have seen.  Some cards instruct you to compare your hand to another player's hand and the lower ranked card loses; its owner is eliminated for the rest of the round.  On each turn you draw a single card and add it to your hand, and then decide which card to play;  the decision of which card to play is the hand management mechanic.  

A round is played by going through all the cards in the deck just once which takes about five minutes.  The winner of each round receives a little wooden cube, known as a token of affection.  With four players the first person to win 4 tokens of affection wins the game.  

 We have winners for the Mon/Wed and Tue/Thur classes.  Congratulations to Lindsey!


 Congratulations to Luke!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Connecting Spanish with the 5th grade Arboretum

Students wrote short, descriptive paragraphs about the plants that they studied for the 5th grade Arboretum.  They used simple, Spanish sentences and learned to translate research information from English to Spanish.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Mrs. Carol Gehringer
Media Center

GRACE Christian School will celebrate the 112th anniversary of Dr. Seuss' birthday (on March 2, 2016). We will observe Read Across America Week from March 2nd-March 10, 2016.

We will start off  with a reader's theater salute to Dr. Seuss over our PA system, with the help of three 6th graders.

Sometime during our observance, all our 6th graders read a Dr. Seuss book to our three Kindergarten classes, as well as our TK classes -- this is a tradition we started a few years ago and both grades love doing it.

Our TK-3rd grade students will participate in a Cat-in-the-Hat Incognito Activity, taking a picture of the infamous Cat in the Hat and helping him to be at GRACE incognito. The students' work will grace our halls by the school store.

Our older students will be invited to solve the Seuss Mystery in the library. A crime scene will be set up and clues will be provided. We'll see if our sleuths can solve the mystery of who-done-it!

On Friday, March 5th, we will have a red-and-white stripe day. In honor of the Cat in the Hat, we will wear red and white stripes, or red and white. Cat in the Hat hats will be permitted.

Our media center will give out Seuss surprises to all the classrooms in honor of Dr. Seuss. Ms. Lisa in the lunchroom promises a special Seuss treat sometime during the week.

As usual, we posted photos of our teachers and staff holding one of their favorite Seuss books, in addition to Seuss banners and posters throughout the school.

Our final day of day, we will have a flashlight read in the gym at the end of the day. We will assemble for carpool early, turn on our flashlights, turn off the lights, and read a book for 15 minutes.

Looking forward to celebrating with you!

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Mrs.Boyd's Book -- SLEEPSINGING -- is still available for purchase!

Mrs. Carol Gehringer
Media Coordinator

Did you miss your chance to get an autographed copy of SLEEPSINGING, written by Lynn Fowler (a former GRACE parent) and illustrated by our own Mrs. Boyd (TK6 art teacher)?

We still have copies available for purchase in the library!! 

Books will be $15.00, with a third of the proceeds going back to GRACE!

Mrs. Boyd will be glad to sign and personalize any books

SLEEPSINGING is a sweet book about a little girl who loves singing and sings all the time, even in her sleep (much to her brother's dismay).  Look for nods to GRACE on some of the pictures!

Contact me for more details - Mrs. Carol Gehringer (cgehringer@gracechristian.net).

